Saturday, January 21, 2012

100th day of school!

It's hard to believe we have been in school for 100 days! It was such a fun day celebrating 100 days of learning! Everyone had a great day and our parade was a big hit! We had some great 100th day fashions!Enjoy :)

Center Time Fun!

Just ask your child what he/she likes most at school and it's probably going to PE or recess. But they also LOVE centers! Here's a few of the fun things we've been doing lately!
Measuring the weight of different classroom objects.

 Using shapes to draw pictures.
 "Reading the Room" and trying to write 100 words!
 Trying to find out if an object sinks or floats.

 Measuring objects with cubes.
"Children Learn By Doing, And Play Is Their Work" Author: Unknown